STL Reader Instructions[edit | edit source]
General[edit | edit source]
The STL is an unofficial alphabetical index of and links to all qualified (see below) topics posted primarily in either the Suggest a GasBuddy Improvement or the Talk Back to Us categories of the forum at the national site of[1] and all its subordinate state and metro-area sites.
Organization[edit | edit source]
- The list is organized by subjects about which suggestions have been made. From time to time, subjects may be divided and rearranged into finer subjects to make the list more useful.
- Each subject begins with the pattern "_ _", and is followed by one or more links to suggesting topics, which are separated by the pattern ".....". This allows the reader to find the start of a subject from among many lines of links.
- References may be provided to guide the reader to the desired subject, e.g. "_ _Aviation Gasoline (see Gasoline, Aviation)".
- A plus sign (+) at the beginning of a subject line indicates that a suggestion has been implemented or possibly that the problem addressed by the suggestion has been resolved.
Searching[edit | edit source]
Readers may search the list by using the [Ctrl-F] method on PCs to find keywords.
Replying to a Suggestion Topic[edit | edit source]
- For aged topics—those whose last reply is over two months old—GBO requests that no new replies be made[2] For further discussion of the subject, new topics should be started. The OP of the new topic should explain this to the reader and provide a link to the old topic for convenience. (See the links guide for details.)
- For current topics—those whose last reply is less than two months old—after linking thereto, a reply may be posted after logging in.
STL Author(s)[edit | edit source]
- This list is maintained by members of the GasBuddy Organization (GBO).
- Errors, Improvements, etc. may be communicated by PM to CampKohler, to CampKohler's whiteboard or by E-mail to feedback at hotmail dot com. If no reply, please repeat.
The Practice of Authors Piggy-backing on Other's Topics Discouraged[edit | edit source]
- Members reading an author's suggestion may be tempted to propose additional ideas going beyond the scope of the original idea. This is to be discouraged because it mixes several ideas under a single topic. It is a better that ideas beyond the scope of the OP and minor improvements be placed in new topics started for the purpose, because:
- Within a topic, there is no provision for replying to a particular reply; all replies are considered to be to the OP. Thus when several new ideas are introduced, the resulting mishmash of replies can become confusing to the reader.
- External to a topic, there is no provision for linking to an individual reply. Thus a suggestion made in a reply cannot be linked to from other forum topics, from the STL or from other outside pages.
- By virtue of the number of suggestions put forth for a subject, one may gain a sense of how important a subject is to the membership. Aggregating suggestions in a single topic negates this benefit.
Unresponsive Suggestion Authors[edit | edit source]
If a suggestion is replied to with a question to clarify its exact nature and the author does not provide a reply, listing is the STL may be delayed without limit until he does so. Authors should follow up by answering the community's questions.
Topics Qualified for Listing in the STL[edit | edit source]
- Resident Topics - Topics posted in the Suggest A Website Improvement or Talk Back to Us forum categories will be reviewed frequently for inclusion in the STL. Those posted elsewhere in the forum will likely not be noticed and thus not listed unless brought to our attention.
- Improvement Topics - Topics which suggest or infer an improvement of the operation, organization, etc. of the full site or mobile apps will be listed regardless of any evaluated worthiness of the ideas proposed. This provides a complete list of links. Topics that suggest ideas that are already in effect will not be listed.
- Non-serious Topics - Topics that are published for humorous reasons will not be listed.
- Composite Topics - Topics that contain multiple suggestions will be listed under all applicable subjects. However, it is preferred that individual ideas be placed in separate topics to allow for better commenting and linking.
Names of Pricing Features in Suggestions and Placement Thereof[edit | edit source]
- Price Lists - Refers to suggestions applicable only to lists of prices and not to maps having prices.
- Maps - Refers to suggestions applicable only to maps having prices and not to price lists.
- Price Displays - Refers to suggestion applicable to both 1) and 2), above.
- The placement of suggestions will be according to the feasibility of the suggestion to fit the above definitions, whether or not expressly mentioned by the language of the suggestion. For example, if a price list suggestion would also logically apply to maps, it would be listed as a price display suggestion. (As the system changes over time, suggestions may have to be reevaluated.)
Date-Times[edit | edit source]
- Date-times, while expressed in the readers' own time zones on their own sites, are always shown in the list in Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight Time. Readers must convert these to their own time zones.
- If the time of the OP is known, it will be highly unlikely to appear more than once in the list, so it will be an excellent keyword for searching to locate a particular topic.
Deleted Topics[edit | edit source]
Topics which have been deleted from the forum by virtue of age, by author request or by moderator action may be treated as follows without notice:
- Do nothing (especially if the deletion goes unnoticed). Please report deleted topics.
- Prepend the link text with "(Deleted topic)", leaving, in effect, a broken link to the missing-topic (preferred).
- Delete the topic from the list entirely (unlikely).
Notes[edit | edit source]
Version: 20150811 3:44 PM PDT --CampKohler
Backup: 20150811 --CampKohler